The disaster is the subject of a biblical story of a divine punishment for the sin of not-paid, has left a deep imprint on human memory to this day. Sodom and Gomorrah have become synonymous of Vice and wickedness. People always remember the loss of these cities when euphemistically speak of total destruction. It is inexplicable, a terrible disaster always struck their imagination, what is mentioned since ancient times. Amazing, totally unbelievable events took place at the Dead Sea, "Salty sea", where according to the Bible, was a disaster.

The dead sea has a depth of about 500 meters, so his bottom more than 1000 meters below the Mediterranean Sea. There are almost 30% table salt (Oceans and seas 3.3-4%) and a variety of chemicals from tributaries. Jordan fall and many small rivers, but no river it follows. Only recently, along with the excavations in other parts of Palestine, awakened interest in Sodom and Gomorrah. It was known that these extinct cities existed in biblical times in the Valley of the Sit, and archaeologists have started their quest. For discoveries and observations, geologists have added new explanations that might shed light on the origin and the ending of the biblical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

An American expedition led by Lynch provided the first information about the surprisingly rapid lowering of the Jordan River for its short journey through Palestine. Is also place of invasion of the Dead Sea in a flat region of the southern basin.


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