Restore evolution are a number of human bones-still, that restore the novel "War and Peace" on 13 pages (Konstantin Holden, "The Politics of Paleontology", Science, August 14, 1981, p. 737).

We have no evidence that when homo; in the amount or structure of the brain evolved biological changes (Lyle Watson, "The Water People", Science Digest, May 1982, p. 44). THE HUMAN BRAIN IS FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE BRAIN OF ALL OTHER CREATURES.


- Brain, capable of abstract and free-thinking, and large memory capable accommodate 20 million volumes

- Ability to learn

- The ability to master languages (in the form of communication-programmed)


The nearest ancestor "of human - Neanderthal - was just sick, de formed an instance that does not stand below us (Fred Hoyle,"Ice", 1981, p. 35).

Cromagnon - the next step is generally indistinguishable from modern human - (Donald H. Loganson and Maitland A. Edie, "Lucy: The beginnings articles of Humankind", p. 29).

Those and other scientists were forced to recognize people.

From the dictionary:

HUMAN EVOLUTION - teaching about human origins, many aspects of which are still unclear.


Radiometric in no case can this form be used for determining the age of the Earth and people.

Dating techniques based on radioactive decay, can be wrong, not only for a few years, but on the WHOLE ORDER (Robert Gannon, "How Old Is It?", Popular Science, November 1979, p. 81).

At a Conference in Uppsala (Sweden) said that in the past, the decay rate is not constant, and dating before 2000 years B.C. untrustworthy (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "Radiocarbon Dating is Wrong", January 18, 1976, p. 8).

The oldest written human reported only about 5000 years (ancient times).


Some believe that evolution occurs through mutation.

But mutations are different: one correct thousands of infidels.

Mutations occur with all creatures, like flies, but they continue to fly. Nobody has ever seen the reverse happened.

Serious mutations are harmful and even lead to the death of the animal.

"Artificial selection seems rather belies than endorsed evolution" ("On Call", July 3, 1972, pp. 8-9).


From the book by Julian Huxley's evolution in action :

The 1000 mutations have one useful (with drozofilas). 1-1 mutation breed. To get the 2 useful mutations we need to dilute 10002 rocks 3 useful mutations - 10003 breeds n useful mutations - 1000n breeds (because the next mutation we should only receive in the breed where all previous mutations had been useful).

In order to have a more highly developed organism, such useful mutations to one million, and the number of species -10001.000.000 - number with three zeroes in the millions. It is incomparably more than elementary particles in Metagalaxy.

Thus, evolution is totally rejected, and creationism is confirmed. This is the second law of thermodynamics.


Summarize the previous chapters in comparison.


                      Evolution                                        Creation                                                     Facts

Life evolved from inanimate                     Life created                                              1. Life happens

matter by self-birth                                   the Creator                                                   of only substance -

                                                                                                                                      adverse life

                                                                                                                                  2. Genetic code

                                                                                                                                      could not be



The gradual transition from                      The sudden emergence of                           Every new kind is

one form to another                                  in an office                                                   diversity, no 

                                                                                                                                      binding links


Development by mutations                      Mutations not actuators                                Smaller mutations

                                                                 and harmful                                                  leads to transition,

                                                                                                                                      large harmful lethal, never

                                                                                                                                      do not give anything new


The origin of man from the                       People created and always                          Civilization and talking

monkey millions year ago                         was able to talk                                            is appear together.

and his speaking origin from                                                                                         The ancientest inscriptions 

shouts of animal                                                                                                            are just 5000 years old


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