Evolutionism is not only in space but also on Earth. Here are some examples:

Glaciers are much younger than teach. This can be seen by the speed of their education (1 2/3 m a year). The so-called "annual rings" - not "summer/winter", but temperature "heat-cold", which happens many times a day. This identified during the second world war, when planted in Greenland there were planes for several years under a huge layer of ice.

Salt in the oceans is the result of rainfall. Now there are 4% salt, nothing more, it accumulates about 5 thousand years.

Who invented the Earth millions of years?

First, that her age is several thousand years old, as the Bible teaches, and millions, said James Hutton in his book "The theory of the Earth" (1795 y.).

This idea developed by Charles Lyell in the book "principles of Geology (1830 y.). He devised geo-chronological eras consisting of periods, and their age. And testimonies, that is, nonetheless, not. Lyell’s column was never verified. This is just a follower of the clams, as he and his comrades have positioned them. Then and now is a circular reasoning: the age of the fossil is dated for the strata of the Earth, and the layers of date fossil. The era and periods of Lyell, as well as their duration, and the corresponding layers are found in only one place on Earth, namely in the tutorial.


Layers, of course, but they are formed at the same time - while world flood (deluge). This is all new and new evidence. Where did they come from? Here's one example: If in a barrel with dirt add water and stir, then also appear again by layers.

Age of rocks sometimes calculated using the radiometric method, for example, C-14 (for relatively young ones), but it is based on three false talking points:

1. Iinitially, the substance was not a carbon isotope, C14

2. The collapse of 14 C occurred at constant speed

3. No external influence

The data points are refuted by experiments. So, these calculations do not trust hypothesis hides.


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