
Сообщения за август, 2021


  -------   READ HERE :   -------   * EVOLUTION OR CREATION * THE BIBLICAL WAY TO NEW LIFE and much more   Greetings to all! Today we offer a test forum on the topics of: * Issue guidelines and basic principles of our lives * Is there a creator and what it * God and His Word - the Bible, its validity and reliability * What awaits us in the future * Who is Jesus Christ and coming to Him * The T en Commandments as a measure of good and evil * The concept of death, resurrection and eternal life * Excuse and forgiveness * The meaning of life and the new world * God expects and accepts all


  Currently, Darwinism "was unexpectedly large difficult" (Francis Hitching, "The neck of the giraffe ", 1982, p.12). More and more scientists consider Darwin 's theory is not scientific. Many of the critics have degrees, many evolutionists (Michael Riuz "Darwin Theory: an exercise in science"; New Scientist, June 25, 1981, p. 828). Scientists have no proof that life is not the result of an act of creation (Robert Jastrow, "The Enchanted By: mind of the universe", 1981, p.19).   "In the beginning created the heavens and the Earth", i.e. the solar system bodies (other worlds have already been). Is the Sun, the Earth, the other planets, the Moon and the satellites of the planets and other bodies (Gen 1.1). The land was in chaos and darkness, the lights were not visible with it (v.2). 1st day - "Let there be light" (v.3). The light of the Sun is visible on Earth and founded the alternation of night and day, but the sun itself